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Центр дистанционного образования



Программа «учусь отлично – учусь бесплатно»



Стипендии для обучения в Китае

Центральный технологический университет, г. Чжэнчжоу, КНР предлагает студентам международной российско-китайской программы ВСИЭП и РАЭПК два вида стипендиальных программ.


Центр китайского языка

8 декабря 2016 г. открыт центр китайского языка ВСИЭП и РАЭПК 












East Siberian University of Economics and Law (ESUEL) was founded in 1992/1993 as a private higher educational institution (university) with a multilevel system of training under the following programs:

• vocational education (college);
• higher education (university);
• advanced education (including postgraduate and doctoral studies);
• complimentary and initial professional education (retraining, improvement of professional skills, pre-university training).

East Siberian University of Economics and Law (ESUEL) is the first private (non state) university in Eastern Siberia and in Baikal region. Nowadays the University has the following programs some of which are being presently launched:
1. Complimentary programs of basic education - preparation for entering university.
2. Main professional programs of higher and secondary education at the bachelor, master, specialist levels with the specializations in jurisprudence, management, welfare service and tourism, customs, banking, logistics, advertising and public relations, linguistics and some others.

The University has the following faculties, chairs and educational centers.

• law;
• economics;
• management, service and tourism;
• innovative technologies of remote training;
• international;
• retraining, improvements of professional skills, pre-university training.

• production and multimedia;
• linguistics;
• finance and accounting;
• management, service and tourism;
• civil law;
• criminal law;
• state legalization;
• jurisprudence and customs;
• legal informatics and natural sciences;
• humanities and history of the law.

Educational centers:
• remote training;
• preuniversity training;
• training of foreign students.

ESUEL presently launches the international faculty with branches in several European and Asian regions.

One of the subsidiaries of the university, Russian-Asian College of Economics and Law, serves as an intermediary step for entering the university and provides an independent training at under graduate level for a range of specialties.

ESUEL has two educational buildings (platforms) in Irkutsk (the capital of Eastern Siberia); two representation branches in Angarsk and Usolye-Sibirskoye, a student hostel, medical, service and sports centers; a rest camp on the shores of the lake Baikal (in Listvjanka village).

The university’s staff consists of highly-qualified teachers at Doctor of Sciences and Ph.D. levels many of whom have rich experience of work at banks, insurance, innovative and other companies.

For 20 years of its existence the ESUEL’s founders, administration and teachers strive to maintain the educational process in all its structural divisions at the highest possible level with the priority of giving students the practical knowledge and skills, flexibly combining different possible forms of training (on place or by correspondence with their versions: stationary, sessional, "day off", remote, at home, and others).

ESUEL is the leader in sphere of private education in Eastern Siberia and in the Baikal region. The university constantly improves the ways, methods, means and forms for obtaining the higher and vocational education, with the priority areas being the economy and jurisprudence.

ESUEL is the first university in the region to open in the regional educational space innovative and dialectic forms of interaction between training programs at the levels of college - university – postgraduate studies - complimentary professional education (improvement of professional skill, retraining).

Students from Europe, Asia and Africa study at ESUEL. The international students make out 2 % from general contingent of ESUEL students.

ESUEL actively develops international educational programs. Currently, the University works in cooperation with the universities in China, Mongolia, Korea and some European universities (German, French, Italian, etc). Presently, nearly 100 students from ESUEL participate in joint certification programs, language traineeships, etc. A Chinese native-speaker, invited from the Chinese National office for teaching Chinese as a Foreign language, works in the University. The University collaborates with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). With financial support from DAAD some ESUEL students undertake an internship in German universities as well as the international scientific journal is published.


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финансовой грамотности

Для повышения финансовой грамотности обучающихся.


Платформа университетского
технологического предпринимательства

Федеральный проект направлен на раскрытие предпринимательского потенциала молодежи и подготовку профессионалов в области технологического предпринимательства.


Студенческий клуб
«Мы и мир вокруг нас»


Уголок китайского

Учи китайский язык, познавай китайскую культуру. Мы тебе поможем!


Летняя лингвистическая стажировка в Китае

Студенты ВСИЭП и РАЭПК русско-китайской программы имеют возможность пройти летнюю лингвистическую стажировку



Министерство по молодежной политике иркутской области совместно с центром профилактики наркомании проведен конкурс









